Ode to the Destruction


Runner Time Weapon Platform Ruleset
Lupin lll 01'35"85 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Lupin lll 01'48"78 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Lupin lll 01'51"35 heavy-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
チョコレート 01'54"93 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Raicheru 01'55"01 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
チョコレート 01'56"45 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
佛系猎人 01'58"43 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Lupin lll 01'59"46 heavy-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
謎のプリンXX 02'05"18 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
CutieHunter 02'06"28 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
BOSS 02'07"45 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
tatsuffy 02'08"10 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Lupin lll 02'10"96 heavy-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
CutieHunter 02'14"48 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
CutieHunter 02'16"51 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
BOSS 02'18"03 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Ponyteiru 02'21"20 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Raicheru 02'22"50 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Lupin lll 02'26"00 heavy-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
Kikitoudur 02'26"11 bow PS4 Freestyle
CutieHunter 02'26"21 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
テル (teru) 02'26"21 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
CutieHunter 02'27"96 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
HK_MH_OLAY 02'28"99 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
雪舞 02'29"99 heavy-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
CutieHunter 02'33"98 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
ko-shi 02'34"20 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
ネコがみ (Nekogami Kuroha) 02'36"35 bow PS4 Freestyle
ワイ氏 (Wai-shi) 02'38"26 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
AngBata 11 02'38"36 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Kikitoudur 02'38"90 bow PS4 Freestyle
Raicheru 02'39"38 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Osiris 02'39"60 hammer PS4 Freestyle
Pochi 02'39"63 insect-glaive PS4 Freestyle
TAKE 02'39"73 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
望遠鏡 (VulpesMH) 02'39"86 sword-and-shield PS4 Freestyle
雪舞 02'39"99 heavy-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
ラギア (Ragia) 02'40"33 bow PS4 Freestyle
흙손대장 (SandHand) 02'44"40 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
Jet Lily 02'44"51 great-sword PS4 TA Rules
Pacifist 02'44"55 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
N1gen 02'45"48 light-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
ちょこころね (choco) 02'46"00 bow PS4 Freestyle
ko-shi 02'46"80 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
いわたわし (Iwatawashi) 02'47"15 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
愛されてドドリア (Aisaretedodoria) 02'47"16 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
けるこ 02'48"36 light-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Raicheru 02'49"90 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
HK_MH_OLAY 02'49"99 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
ちょこころね (choco) 02'50"53 bow PS4 Freestyle
レガリア (Regalia) 02'50"83 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
TAKE 02'51"01 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
雪舞 02'51"99 heavy-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
사명대갈 (sa myeong) 02'52"00 sword-and-shield PS4 Freestyle
CutieHunter 02'53"16 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Blazek 02'55"03 sword-and-shield PS4 Freestyle
GODJUN 02'55"13 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
Pacifist 02'55"43 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
Osiris 02'56"88 hammer PS4 Freestyle
マサ (masa) 02'57"06 dual-blades PS4 Freestyle
BOSS 02'58"65 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
ふぃ~ 02'59"10 bow PS4 Freestyle
Honey Butter 03'00"23 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
pepo 03'00"66 hammer PS4 Freestyle
Momo 03'00"86 bow PS4 Freestyle
ぜうす (ZeuS) 03'01"30 dual-blades PS4 Freestyle
尼諾 03'05"10 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
ネコがみ (Nekogami Kuroha) 03'05"90 bow PS4 TA Rules
アヘ顔のやわら (Yawara) 03'05"91 switch-axe PS4 Freestyle
Pochi 03'06"60 insect-glaive PS4 Freestyle
Haruka GRAM 03'06"88 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
la1556 03'08"13 insect-glaive PS4 TA Rules
けるこ 03'08"15 light-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
03'10"31 bow PS4 TA Rules
ちょこころね (choco) 03'10"38 bow PS4 Freestyle
はおー (Haoh) 03'11"45 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Honey Butter 03'11"76 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
Momo 03'13"63 bow PS4 Freestyle
アヘ顔のやわら (Yawara) 03'14"46 switch-axe PS4 Freestyle
マサ (masa) 03'16"10 dual-blades PS4 Freestyle
ゆうひら (YU/HIRA) 03'17"00 great-sword PS4 TA Rules
Haruka GRAM 03'17"13 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
Millan Rain 03'19"01 bow PS4 TA Rules
SIN 03'19"28 switch-axe PS4 Freestyle
りざRZX 03'19"53 bow PS4 TA Rules
とないと (tonight) 03'19"60 bow PS4 TA Rules
ふなつべ 03'19"88 gunlance PS4 Freestyle
Mzly 03'20"66 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
はおー (Haoh) 03'21"41 light-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Minton 03'21"51 bow PS4 TA Rules
ラギア (Ragia) 03'21"68 bow PS4 TA Rules
けるこ 03'23"80 light-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
けるこ 03'23"80 light-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
けるこ 03'24"16 light-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
けるこ 03'24"16 light-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
りざRZX 03'24"48 bow PS4 TA Rules
Honey Butter 03'24"80 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
Ryo 03'25"05 gunlance PS4 Freestyle
ぼーJr. (BowJr.) 03'25"25 gunlance PS4 Freestyle
Peppo 03'25"38 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
とらこ (Torako) 03'26"33 sword-and-shield PS4 TA Rules
Jet Lily 03'26"95 great-sword PS4 TA Rules
お肉 (oniku) 03'27"40 great-sword PS4 TA Rules
ko-shi 03'27"98 great-sword PS4 TA Rules
TAKE 03'29"18 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
TiiEleven 03'30"06 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
レガリア (Regalia) 03'31"15 switch-axe PS4 Freestyle
ラギア (Ragia) 03'32"68 bow PS4 TA Rules
ぼーJr. (BowJr.) 03'32"71 gunlance PS4 Freestyle
Del-Pi 03'33"13 sword-and-shield PS4 TA Rules
Pacifist 03'33"21 charge-blade PS4 TA Rules
Haruka GRAM 03'34"01 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
ワイ氏 (Wai-shi) 03'34"25 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
ko-shi 03'34"36 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
りざRZX 03'35"55 bow PS4 TA Rules
お肉 (oniku) 03'35"81 great-sword PS4 TA Rules
pepo 03'37"40 hammer PS4 Freestyle
かげろう (Kagerou) 03'37"70 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
MAX 03'38"18 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
ゼロX (Zero X) 03'39"51 switch-axe PS4 Freestyle
Beer 03'39"58 sword-and-shield PS4 TA Rules
ぜん (Zen) 03'40"23 sword-and-shield PS4 TA Rules
ケツの割れ目桃太 (Ketsunowarememomota) 03'40"56 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
ryoko 03'40"68 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
いわたわし (Iwatawashi) 03'41"21 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
DEVA 03'41"53 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
まふゆ 03'42"05 charge-blade PS4 TA Rules
ほっかいどう 03'42"83 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
Ryo 03'43"31 gunlance PS4 TA Rules
Haruka GRAM 03'44"35 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
la1556 03'44"98 insect-glaive PS4 TA Rules
AngBata 11 03'45"01 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Glucosio 03'46"10 hammer PS4 Freestyle
GEEK 03'46"25 dual-blades PS4 Freestyle
RYO 03'47"08 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
Jet Lily 03'48"10 hunting-horn PS4 TA Rules
Laura 03'48"36 bow PS4 Freestyle
ぼーJr. (BowJr.) 03'48"41 gunlance PS4 Freestyle
玄茶 03'48"66 hammer PS4 TA Rules
おるめす (Orumesu) 03'49"15 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
Momo_Baguette 03'49"76 insect-glaive PS4 TA Rules
Pochi 03'50"91 insect-glaive PS4 Freestyle
pepo 03'51"08 hammer PS4 TA Rules
03'51"10 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
とらこ (Torako) 03'51"83 sword-and-shield PS4 TA Rules
buk 03'52"16 charge-blade PS4 TA Rules
白夜 (Byakuya) 03'52"56 gunlance PS4 Freestyle
ボム (Bomb) 03'52"85 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
シロネコ (Shironeko) 03'53"18 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
keta 03'54"80 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
HCZS 03'55"06 charge-blade PS4 TA Rules
Honey Butter 03'55"30 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
RYO 03'56"95 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
GEEK 03'57"35 dual-blades PS4 Freestyle
naな4 03'57"56 gunlance PS4 TA Rules
蜂蜜ゆうた (Yuuta) 03'57"58 lance PS4 Freestyle
Arudo 03'58"38 gunlance PS4 Freestyle
infi (いんふぃ) 03'58"98 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
Wata. 03'59"05 gunlance PS4 TA Rules
かげろう (Kagerou) 03'59"18 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
Yugo 03'59"40 sword-and-shield PS4 Freestyle
Attacker 03'59"81 dual-blades PS4 TA Rules
なつめ棗 (Natsume) 04'00"71 dual-blades PS4 TA Rules
白夜 (Byakuya) 04'01"20 gunlance PS4 Freestyle
naな4 04'01"26 gunlance PS4 TA Rules
Blazek 04'02"70 sword-and-shield PS4 Freestyle
抹茶 (Matcha) 04'04"01 gunlance PS4 TA Rules
だばだばどぅ (Dabadabadou) 04'04"81 lance PS4 TA Rules
Pacifist 04'05"46 charge-blade PS4 TA Rules
えるにか (Lnica) 04'05"58 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
keta 04'05"83 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
Del-Pi 04'05"90 sword-and-shield PS4 TA Rules
はると (Haruto) 04'07"65 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
トーカ (Toka) 04'07"85 sword-and-shield PS4 TA Rules
黑化由岐 04'09"88 dual-blades PS4 TA Rules
yuuki 04'10"66 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
GEEK 04'11"05 dual-blades PS4 Freestyle
ryoko 04'11"30 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
むぎ (mugi) 04'11"86 sword-and-shield PS4 TA Rules
いわたわし (Iwatawashi) 04'12"33 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
yuuki 04'18"21 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
シロネコ (Shironeko) 04'18"30 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
ノイ (Noi) 04'19"45 light-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
ぼーJr. (BowJr.) 04'20"26 gunlance PS4 Freestyle
Aster 04'20"31 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
hf 04'21"43 light-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
Wata. 04'23"50 gunlance PS4 TA Rules
のら (Nora) 04'25"10 switch-axe PS4 TA Rules
ryoko 04'25"70 switch-axe PS4 Freestyle
la1556 04'28"38 insect-glaive PS4 TA Rules
NoeL 04'29"10 insect-glaive PS4 Freestyle
YAMA 04'29"63 gunlance PS4 TA Rules
무한루프 04'29"63 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
アクセル (AXL) 04'32"86 switch-axe PS4 Freestyle
Guardogaron 04'33"10 lance PS4 TA Rules
DEVA 04'33"11 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
トーカ (Toka) 04'34"30 switch-axe PS4 TA Rules
ぐっちゃま (Guccyama) 04'34"40 hunting-horn PS4 Freestyle
なつめ棗 (Natsume) 04'35"36 dual-blades PS4 TA Rules
蜂蜜ゆうた (Yuuta) 04'35"90 lance PS4 Freestyle
笑さん (warasan) 04'36"63 insect-glaive PS4 TA Rules
마지 (MAZY) 04'36"86 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
yuuki 04'36"98 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
ins2 04'37"55 insect-glaive PS4 TA Rules
黑化由岐 04'38"40 dual-blades PS4 TA Rules
ヤノ氏「紅」 (Yanoshi Kurenai) 04'43"13 hunting-horn PS4 TA Rules
sun__eater__ 04'44"18 hunting-horn PS4 Freestyle
NeroZed 04'44"25 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
Wata. 04'44"78 gunlance PS4 TA Rules
criisd98 04'46"76 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
NoeL 04'48"41 insect-glaive PS4 Freestyle
ゴン (Gon) 04'48"73 dual-blades PS4 Freestyle
KCGemini 04'50"03 lance PS4 TA Rules
TBT 04'52"45 light-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
チャンプ (Champ) 04'52"48 insect-glaive PS4 Freestyle
Yugo 04'53"03 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
ヤノ氏「紅」 (Yanoshi Kurenai) 04'53"10 hunting-horn PS4 TA Rules
Farah 04'53"28 hunting-horn PS4 Freestyle
黑化由岐 04'53"31 dual-blades PS4 TA Rules
ハシク (Hashiku) 04'54"71 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
ハシク (Hashiku) 04'55"48 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
こんにゃくん (Konnyaku) 04'55"51 switch-axe PS4 TA Rules
みら (Mira) 04'55"65 hunting-horn PS4 TA Rules
luna 04'56"21 light-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
ぐりん 04'56"43 hunting-horn PS4 TA Rules
KCGemini 04'57"88 lance PS4 TA Rules
笑さん (warasan) 04'59"41 hunting-horn PS4 TA Rules
トーカ (Toka) 04'59"58 insect-glaive PS4 TA Rules
PongPong LEE 05'12"91 light-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
shota (ショータ) 05'17"15 hunting-horn PS4 Freestyle
woodfishman 05'21"26 lance PS4 TA Rules
Benji-boi 05'23"33 hunting-horn PS4 TA Rules
렵적맨 05'38"88 hunting-horn PS4 TA Rules
luna 05'47"05 light-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
DanteMundus 05'51"10 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
Fox Invictus 06'18"21 switch-axe PS4 Freestyle