Ode to the Destruction


Runner Time Weapon Platform Ruleset
DEVA 01'13"68 heavy-bowgun PC Freestyle
DEVA 01'16"90 heavy-bowgun PC Freestyle
八月朔日縁 01'18"01 heavy-bowgun PC Freestyle
Relial 01'18"36 heavy-bowgun PC Freestyle
VANS 01'35"73 heavy-bowgun PC Freestyle
Lupin lll 01'35"85 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
八月朔日縁 01'38"23 heavy-bowgun PC TA Rules
Jackdaw갈까마귀 01'42"61 heavy-bowgun PC Freestyle
JJBOOMSKY 01'47"13 heavy-bowgun PC Freestyle
Relial 01'48"66 heavy-bowgun PC TA Rules
Lupin lll 01'48"78 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Ricochet 01'49"65 heavy-bowgun PC TA Rules
Lupin lll 01'51"35 heavy-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
チョコレート 01'54"93 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Raicheru 01'55"01 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
牛牛 01'55"08 heavy-bowgun PC Freestyle
Flawless 01'55"56 heavy-bowgun PC Freestyle
チョコレート 01'56"45 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Jackdaw갈까마귀 01'56"83 heavy-bowgun PC TA Rules
量子催眠 01'56"99 heavy-bowgun PC TA Rules
佛系猎人 01'58"43 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Lupin lll 01'59"46 heavy-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
早餐奶 (airA) 02'03"81 heavy-bowgun PC TA Rules
謎のプリンXX 02'05"18 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
CutieHunter 02'06"28 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
BOSS 02'07"45 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
tatsuffy 02'08"10 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
L 02'09"91 bow PC Freestyle
Lupin lll 02'10"96 heavy-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
老柯 (Hunter.κ) 02'11"65 heavy-bowgun PC TA Rules
CutieHunter 02'14"48 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
TyOx MH 02'14"86 gunlance Xbox Freestyle
CutieHunter 02'16"51 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Harper 02'16"80 sword-and-shield PC Freestyle
Relial 02'17"40 heavy-bowgun PC TA Rules
BOSS 02'18"03 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Fad 02'18"58 heavy-bowgun PC TA Rules
ねね (Nene) 02'19"51 light-bowgun PC TA Rules
DEVA 02'20"66 charge-blade PC Freestyle
Ponyteiru 02'21"20 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
冰凌银爵 02'21"53 bow PC Freestyle
Raicheru 02'22"50 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
HK_MH_OLAY 02'23"33 great-sword PC Freestyle
ねね (Nene) 02'23"36 light-bowgun PC TA Rules
Dusty 02'23"76 sword-and-shield PC Freestyle
cming2163 02'24"10 great-sword PC Freestyle
Tidus69 02'24"25 bow PC Freestyle
TriTran 02'25"30 heavy-bowgun PC TA Rules
Lupin lll 02'26"00 heavy-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
Kikitoudur 02'26"11 bow PS4 Freestyle
CutieHunter 02'26"21 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
テル (teru) 02'26"21 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
TyOx MH 02'26"31 gunlance Xbox Freestyle
Abyssal 02'26"85 bow Xbox Freestyle
CHE car 02'27"76 great-sword PC TA Rules
CutieHunter 02'27"96 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
crafter_king_ 02'28"45 bow PC Freestyle
HK_MH_OLAY 02'28"99 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
雪舞 02'29"99 heavy-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
獅獅 02'32"05 bow PC Freestyle
Teo 02'33"83 sword-and-shield PC TA Rules
CutieHunter 02'33"98 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
ko-shi 02'34"20 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
Konnorad 02'34"65 hammer PC TA Rules
ねね (Nene) 02'34"66 light-bowgun PC TA Rules
TyOx MH 02'34"75 gunlance Xbox Freestyle
夤星 (Yínxīng) 02'34"78 bow PC Freestyle
ネコがみ (Nekogami Kuroha) 02'36"35 bow PS4 Freestyle
TriTran 02'36"61 bow PC Freestyle
Drachen MH 02'37"50 great-sword Xbox Freestyle
ワイ氏 (Wai-shi) 02'38"26 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
AngBata 11 02'38"36 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Kikitoudur 02'38"90 bow PS4 Freestyle
Raicheru 02'39"38 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Casablanca 02'39"48 bow PC TA Rules
Osiris 02'39"60 hammer PS4 Freestyle
Pochi 02'39"63 insect-glaive PS4 Freestyle
Tsumi 02'39"71 bow Xbox Freestyle
TAKE 02'39"73 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
望遠鏡 (VulpesMH) 02'39"86 sword-and-shield PS4 Freestyle
雪舞 02'39"99 heavy-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
crafter_king_ 02'40"06 long-sword PC Freestyle
ラギア (Ragia) 02'40"33 bow PS4 Freestyle
Aqua (tigana0210) 02'40"76 hammer PC TA Rules
Casablanca 02'40"86 bow PC TA Rules
쾌활한 선발팀원(Excitable A-Lister) 02'43"21 sword-and-shield PC Freestyle
Dusty 02'43"73 sword-and-shield PC TA Rules
ねね (Nene) 02'43"85 light-bowgun PC TA Rules
흙손대장 (SandHand) 02'44"40 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
Jet Lily 02'44"51 great-sword PS4 TA Rules
Pacifist 02'44"55 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
N1gen 02'45"48 light-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Tsumi 02'45"85 bow Xbox Freestyle
ちょこころね (choco) 02'46"00 bow PS4 Freestyle
ko-shi 02'46"80 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
いわたわし (Iwatawashi) 02'47"15 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
愛されてドドリア (Aisaretedodoria) 02'47"16 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Lizovyk 02'48"06 dual-blades PC Freestyle
ねね (Nene) 02'48"25 light-bowgun PC TA Rules
けるこ 02'48"36 light-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
fatalisrx 02'49"48 great-sword PC TA Rules
Raicheru 02'49"90 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
HK_MH_OLAY 02'49"99 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
ちょこころね (choco) 02'50"53 bow PS4 Freestyle
Ryan 02'50"75 great-sword PC TA Rules
レガリア (Regalia) 02'50"83 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
crafter_king_ 02'50"85 bow PC TA Rules
TAKE 02'51"01 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
雪舞 02'51"99 heavy-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
사명대갈 (sa myeong) 02'52"00 sword-and-shield PS4 Freestyle
無限輸出 (sapphlies) 02'52"66 charge-blade PC Freestyle
Hai 02'52"96 dual-blades PC Freestyle
CutieHunter 02'53"16 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
bananashot 02'53"23 light-bowgun PC Freestyle
fatalisrx 02'53"56 great-sword PC TA Rules
crafter_king_ 02'53"61 long-sword PC Freestyle
Drachen MH 02'54"33 great-sword Xbox TA Rules
陌影 02'54"65 charge-blade PC Freestyle
MealTank 02'54"85 hammer PC Freestyle
Blazek 02'55"03 sword-and-shield PS4 Freestyle
GODJUN 02'55"13 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
Harper 02'55"33 sword-and-shield PC TA Rules
Pacifist 02'55"43 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
Aris 02'56"41 great-sword PC TA Rules
Osiris 02'56"88 hammer PS4 Freestyle
マサ (masa) 02'57"06 dual-blades PS4 Freestyle
Witchdoctor 02'57"08 long-sword PC Freestyle
科技海綿 02'57"18 long-sword PC Freestyle
Ryan 02'58"20 great-sword PC TA Rules
BOSS 02'58"65 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
대전설GLGD 02'58"73 dual-blades PC Freestyle
ふぃ~ 02'59"10 bow PS4 Freestyle
factory super 02'59"60 switch-axe PC Freestyle
crafter_king_ 02'59"80 long-sword PC TA Rules
Honey Butter 03'00"23 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
pepo 03'00"66 hammer PS4 Freestyle
Momo 03'00"86 bow PS4 Freestyle
Flawless 03'01"03 switch-axe PC Freestyle
ぜうす (ZeuS) 03'01"30 dual-blades PS4 Freestyle
Mr Tempoe 03'03"40 light-bowgun Xbox Freestyle
Misha 03'04"73 bow PC Freestyle
尼諾 03'05"10 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
ネコがみ (Nekogami Kuroha) 03'05"90 bow PS4 TA Rules
アヘ顔のやわら (Yawara) 03'05"91 switch-axe PC Freestyle
アヘ顔のやわら (Yawara) 03'05"91 switch-axe PS4 Freestyle
박꽃 03'06"20 bow PC TA Rules
fatalisrx 03'06"31 great-sword PC TA Rules
Pochi 03'06"60 insect-glaive PS4 Freestyle
Haruka GRAM 03'06"88 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
Alternum 03'07"78 insect-glaive PC Freestyle
TBT 03'07"93 light-bowgun PC TA Rules
la1556 03'08"13 insect-glaive PS4 TA Rules
けるこ 03'08"15 light-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Teo 03'08"90 sword-and-shield PC TA Rules
03'10"31 bow PS4 TA Rules
ちょこころね (choco) 03'10"38 bow PS4 Freestyle
Cyrus 03'10"50 sword-and-shield PC TA Rules
Teo 03'10"76 sword-and-shield PC TA Rules
はおー (Haoh) 03'11"45 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Honey Butter 03'11"76 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
라료라료 03'12"66 hunting-horn PC Freestyle
crafter_king_ 03'13"26 long-sword PC TA Rules
Momo 03'13"63 bow PS4 Freestyle
DR.Kleimann 03'13"68 hunting-horn PC Freestyle
Zook 03'13"86 hunting-horn PC Freestyle
アヘ顔のやわら (Yawara) 03'14"46 switch-axe PS4 Freestyle
Ragnar 03'15"16 bow PC Freestyle
Casablanca 03'15"30 bow PC TA Rules
대전설GLGD 03'15"61 dual-blades PC Freestyle
マサ (masa) 03'16"10 dual-blades PS4 Freestyle
Alternum 03'16"45 insect-glaive PC Freestyle
ゆうひら (YU/HIRA) 03'17"00 great-sword PS4 TA Rules
z00p 03'17"08 sword-and-shield PC TA Rules
Haruka GRAM 03'17"13 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
떼껄룩 03'17"23 hammer PC Freestyle
fatalisrx 03'17"30 great-sword PC TA Rules
Beer 03'18"86 sword-and-shield PC TA Rules
HCZS 03'18"96 charge-blade PC TA Rules
Millan Rain 03'19"01 bow PS4 TA Rules
SIN 03'19"28 switch-axe PS4 Freestyle
りざRZX 03'19"53 bow PS4 TA Rules
とないと (tonight) 03'19"60 bow PS4 TA Rules
ふなつべ 03'19"88 gunlance PS4 Freestyle
为了实现最后的梦 03'20"10 long-sword PC TA Rules
Mzly 03'20"66 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
yinyin lai 03'20"76 charge-blade PC TA Rules
はおー (Haoh) 03'21"41 light-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Minton 03'21"51 bow PS4 TA Rules
ラギア (Ragia) 03'21"68 bow PS4 TA Rules
あーるえむ 03'21"93 long-sword PC TA Rules
あーるえむ 03'21"93 long-sword PC TA Rules
けるこ 03'23"80 light-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
けるこ 03'23"80 light-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
けるこ 03'24"16 light-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
けるこ 03'24"16 light-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Casablanca 03'24"21 bow PC TA Rules
りざRZX 03'24"48 bow PS4 TA Rules
Honey Butter 03'24"80 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
crafter_king_ 03'24"83 dual-blades PC TA Rules
Ryo 03'25"05 gunlance PS4 Freestyle
ぼーJr. (BowJr.) 03'25"25 gunlance PS4 Freestyle
Peppo 03'25"38 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
Jahimees 03'25"88 hammer PC TA Rules
Flawless 03'25"91 switch-axe PC Freestyle
とらこ (Torako) 03'26"33 sword-and-shield PS4 TA Rules
Jet Lily 03'26"95 great-sword PS4 TA Rules
お肉 (oniku) 03'27"40 great-sword PS4 TA Rules
ko-shi 03'27"98 great-sword PS4 TA Rules
Theo 03'28"00 charge-blade PC TA Rules
김별 03'28"06 long-sword PC TA Rules
suzume 03'28"56 sword-and-shield PC TA Rules
crafter_king_ 03'28"63 long-sword PC TA Rules
Ryan 03'29"00 great-sword PC TA Rules
내가몬헌발명 03'29"01 gunlance PC TA Rules
TAKE 03'29"18 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
AlanChen 03'29"38 light-bowgun PC TA Rules
TiiEleven 03'30"06 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
Cyrus 03'30"21 sword-and-shield PC TA Rules
Jay 03'30"31 insect-glaive PC Freestyle
レガリア (Regalia) 03'31"15 switch-axe PS4 Freestyle
HCZS 03'31"56 charge-blade PC TA Rules
casti94 03'31"85 hunting-horn PC Freestyle
TriTran 03'32"20 light-bowgun PC TA Rules
ねね (Nene) 03'32"33 light-bowgun PC TA Rules
ラギア (Ragia) 03'32"68 bow PS4 TA Rules
ぼーJr. (BowJr.) 03'32"71 gunlance PS4 Freestyle
Del-Pi 03'33"13 sword-and-shield PS4 TA Rules
Pacifist 03'33"21 charge-blade PS4 TA Rules
Jay 03'33"75 insect-glaive PC Freestyle
Haruka GRAM 03'34"01 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
ワイ氏 (Wai-shi) 03'34"25 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
ko-shi 03'34"36 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
活潑君 (RIO) 03'35"03 gunlance PC TA Rules
りざRZX 03'35"55 bow PS4 TA Rules
お肉 (oniku) 03'35"81 great-sword PS4 TA Rules
casti94 03'36"81 long-sword PC TA Rules
pepo 03'37"40 hammer PS4 Freestyle
김별 03'37"48 long-sword PC TA Rules
かげろう (Kagerou) 03'37"70 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
MAX 03'38"18 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
HCZS 03'38"60 charge-blade PC TA Rules
ゼロX (Zero X) 03'39"51 switch-axe PS4 Freestyle
为了实现最后的梦 03'39"51 long-sword PC TA Rules
Beer 03'39"58 sword-and-shield PS4 TA Rules
factory super 03'40"11 switch-axe PC TA Rules
factory super 03'40"11 switch-axe PC TA Rules
ぜん (Zen) 03'40"23 sword-and-shield PS4 TA Rules
ケツの割れ目桃太 (Ketsunowarememomota) 03'40"56 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
Jahimees 03'40"66 hammer PC Freestyle
ryoko 03'40"68 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
내가몬헌발명 03'40"68 gunlance PC TA Rules
いわたわし (Iwatawashi) 03'41"21 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
DEVA 03'41"53 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
まふゆ 03'42"05 charge-blade PS4 TA Rules
TyOx MH 03'42"20 gunlance Xbox TA Rules
Alternum 03'42"63 insect-glaive PC Freestyle
ほっかいどう 03'42"83 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
Ryo 03'43"31 gunlance PS4 TA Rules
TyOx MH 03'43"83 gunlance Xbox TA Rules
c.c. 03'43"93 gunlance PC TA Rules
Haruka GRAM 03'44"35 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
la1556 03'44"98 insect-glaive PS4 TA Rules
AngBata 11 03'45"01 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
ねね (Nene) 03'45"43 light-bowgun PC TA Rules
Kusaemon 03'45"46 switch-axe PC TA Rules
Glucosio 03'46"10 hammer PS4 Freestyle
GEEK 03'46"25 dual-blades PS4 Freestyle
Zephy 03'46"60 charge-blade PC Freestyle
RYO 03'47"08 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
벨멜료 (Vermello) 03'47"80 dual-blades PC TA Rules
Jet Lily 03'48"10 hunting-horn PS4 TA Rules
Laura 03'48"36 bow PS4 Freestyle
ぼーJr. (BowJr.) 03'48"41 gunlance PS4 Freestyle
玄茶 03'48"66 hammer PS4 TA Rules
Jay 03'48"90 insect-glaive PC Freestyle
おるめす (Orumesu) 03'49"15 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
Momo_Baguette 03'49"76 insect-glaive PS4 TA Rules
Pochi 03'50"91 insect-glaive PS4 Freestyle
pepo 03'51"08 hammer PS4 TA Rules
03'51"10 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
とらこ (Torako) 03'51"83 sword-and-shield PS4 TA Rules
SH3RMSY 03'52"03 charge-blade Xbox TA Rules
buk 03'52"16 charge-blade PS4 TA Rules
活潑君 (RIO) 03'52"28 gunlance PC TA Rules
白夜 (Byakuya) 03'52"56 gunlance PS4 Freestyle
ボム (Bomb) 03'52"85 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
シロネコ (Shironeko) 03'53"18 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
dedede 03'53"45 insect-glaive PC TA Rules
keta 03'54"80 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
HCZS 03'55"06 charge-blade PS4 TA Rules
떼껄룩 03'55"15 hammer PC TA Rules
Honey Butter 03'55"30 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
RYO 03'56"95 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
dedede 03'57"35 hunting-horn PC TA Rules
GEEK 03'57"35 dual-blades PS4 Freestyle
でっていう 03'57"35 hunting-horn PC TA Rules
黑化由岐 03'57"43 dual-blades PC # PS4? TA Rules
naな4 03'57"56 gunlance PS4 TA Rules
蜂蜜ゆうた (Yuuta) 03'57"58 lance PS4 Freestyle
Arudo 03'58"38 gunlance PS4 Freestyle
Kusaemon 03'58"40 switch-axe PC TA Rules
infi (いんふぃ) 03'58"98 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
Wata. 03'59"05 gunlance PS4 TA Rules
かげろう (Kagerou) 03'59"18 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
Yugo 03'59"40 sword-and-shield PS4 Freestyle
Attacker 03'59"81 dual-blades PS4 TA Rules
なつめ棗 (Natsume) 04'00"71 dual-blades PS4 TA Rules
Kingwel 04'00'03 great-sword PC Freestyle
白夜 (Byakuya) 04'01"20 gunlance PS4 Freestyle
naな4 04'01"26 gunlance PS4 TA Rules
DRE 04'01"35 switch-axe Xbox TA Rules
Blazek 04'02"70 sword-and-shield PS4 Freestyle
抹茶 (Matcha) 04'04"01 gunlance PS4 TA Rules
だばだばどぅ (Dabadabadou) 04'04"81 lance PS4 TA Rules
Pacifist 04'05"46 charge-blade PS4 TA Rules
えるにか (Lnica) 04'05"58 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
keta 04'05"83 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
Del-Pi 04'05"90 sword-and-shield PS4 TA Rules
はると (Haruto) 04'07"65 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
トーカ (Toka) 04'07"85 sword-and-shield PS4 TA Rules
Alternum 04'08"25 insect-glaive PC Freestyle
黑化由岐 04'09"88 dual-blades PS4 TA Rules
yuuki 04'10"66 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
GEEK 04'11"05 dual-blades PS4 Freestyle
ryoko 04'11"30 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
むぎ (mugi) 04'11"86 sword-and-shield PS4 TA Rules
いわたわし (Iwatawashi) 04'12"33 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
nursEcoli 04'13"01 dual-blades PC Freestyle
cie_n 04'14"55 hunting-horn PC Freestyle
yuuki 04'18"21 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
シロネコ (Shironeko) 04'18"30 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
ノイ (Noi) 04'19"45 light-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
Mistil 04'20"20 great-sword PC TA Rules
ぼーJr. (BowJr.) 04'20"26 gunlance PS4 Freestyle
Aster 04'20"31 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
Alternum 04'21"08 insect-glaive PC Freestyle
Misha 04'21"25 long-sword PC TA Rules
hf 04'21"43 light-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
Kariashi (Binary Star) 04'21"56 dual-blades PC Freestyle
Wata. 04'23"50 gunlance PS4 TA Rules
のら (Nora) 04'25"10 switch-axe PS4 TA Rules
ryoko 04'25"70 switch-axe PS4 Freestyle
MetalMegaMike 04'26"28 insect-glaive Xbox Freestyle
Kariashi (Binary Star) 04'27"95 dual-blades PC Freestyle
la1556 04'28"38 insect-glaive PS4 TA Rules
NoeL 04'29"10 insect-glaive PS4 Freestyle
YAMA 04'29"63 gunlance PS4 TA Rules
무한루프 04'29"63 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
MasterBaker 04'30"55 great-sword PC TA Rules
アクセル (AXL) 04'32"86 switch-axe PS4 Freestyle
Guardogaron 04'33"10 lance PS4 TA Rules
DEVA 04'33"11 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
トーカ (Toka) 04'34"30 switch-axe PS4 TA Rules
ぐっちゃま (Guccyama) 04'34"40 hunting-horn PS4 Freestyle
なつめ棗 (Natsume) 04'35"36 dual-blades PS4 TA Rules
蜂蜜ゆうた (Yuuta) 04'35"90 lance PS4 Freestyle
笑さん (warasan) 04'36"63 insect-glaive PS4 TA Rules
마지 (MAZY) 04'36"86 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
yuuki 04'36"98 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
ins2 04'37"55 insect-glaive PS4 TA Rules
黑化由岐 04'38"40 dual-blades PS4 TA Rules
casti94 04'41"13 hunting-horn PC TA Rules
나으리 (Meowster) 04'42"40 hunting-horn PC TA Rules
Alex_ 04'42"53 lance PC TA Rules
ヤノ氏「紅」 (Yanoshi Kurenai) 04'43"13 hunting-horn PS4 TA Rules
sun__eater__ 04'44"18 hunting-horn PS4 Freestyle
NeroZed 04'44"25 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
Wata. 04'44"78 gunlance PS4 TA Rules
criisd98 04'46"76 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
NoeL 04'48"41 insect-glaive PS4 Freestyle
ゴン (Gon) 04'48"73 dual-blades PS4 Freestyle
RadioUnit (아이스본망겜) 04'49"28 hunting-horn PC TA Rules
KCGemini 04'50"03 lance PS4 TA Rules
Joni 04'51"88 switch-axe PC TA Rules
TBT 04'52"45 light-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
チャンプ (Champ) 04'52"48 insect-glaive PS4 Freestyle
Yugo 04'53"03 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
ヤノ氏「紅」 (Yanoshi Kurenai) 04'53"10 hunting-horn PS4 TA Rules
Farah 04'53"28 hunting-horn PS4 Freestyle
黑化由岐 04'53"31 dual-blades PS4 TA Rules
ハシク (Hashiku) 04'54"71 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
나으리 (Meowster) 04'55"06 hunting-horn PC TA Rules
ハシク (Hashiku) 04'55"48 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
こんにゃくん (Konnyaku) 04'55"51 switch-axe PS4 TA Rules
みら (Mira) 04'55"65 hunting-horn PS4 TA Rules
luna 04'56"21 light-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
ぐりん 04'56"43 hunting-horn PS4 TA Rules
Mi-Co Bedun 04'57"11 insect-glaive Xbox Freestyle
KCGemini 04'57"88 lance PS4 TA Rules
笑さん (warasan) 04'59"41 hunting-horn PS4 TA Rules
トーカ (Toka) 04'59"58 insect-glaive PS4 TA Rules
PongPong LEE 05'12"91 light-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
Guardogaron 05'13"66 lance Xbox TA Rules
shota (ショータ) 05'17"15 hunting-horn PS4 Freestyle
woodfishman 05'21"26 lance PS4 TA Rules
Benji-boi 05'23"33 hunting-horn PS4 TA Rules
렵적맨 05'38"88 hunting-horn PS4 TA Rules
luna 05'47"05 light-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
DanteMundus 05'51"10 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
V_oz 06'01"78 charge-blade PC Freestyle
Fox Invictus 06'18"21 switch-axe PS4 Freestyle