Memories of the Sea God


Runner Time Weapon Platform Ruleset
ネコがみ (Nekogami Kuroha) 02'31"96 bow PS4 Freestyle
Randel Daora 02'35"43 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Kikitoudur 02'42"80 bow PS4 Freestyle
りざRZX 02'45"13 bow PS4 Freestyle
りざRZX 02'47"50 bow PS4 Freestyle
りざRZX 02'50"33 bow PS4 Freestyle
Kikitoudur 03'05"30 bow PS4 Freestyle
HK_MH_OLAY 03'08"70 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
HK_MH_OLAY 03'19"17 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
Momo 03'24"36 bow PS4 Freestyle
Millan Rain 03'25"68 bow PS4 TA Rules
Momo 03'25"70 bow PS4 Freestyle
ブルテリア(Bullterrier) 03'27"51 light-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
TSC 03'28"73 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
Randel Daora 03'32"11 light-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Millan Rain 03'38"85 bow PS4 TA Rules
Momo 03'39"81 bow PS4 Freestyle
Mugime 03'42"25 bow PS4 TA Rules
はおー (Haoh) 03'48"58 light-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Momo 03'50"43 bow PS4 Freestyle
CutieHunter 03'51"00 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
トーリィ (Torri) 03'52"76 bow PS4 TA Rules
テトラ (Tetora) 03'56"60 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
Mugime 03'58"46 bow PS4 TA Rules
TiiEleven 04'03"26 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
Mai LBG 04'05"98 heavy-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
PongPong LEE 04'07"51 light-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
テトラ (Tetora) 04'12"25 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
Pochi 04'12"83 insect-glaive PS4 Freestyle
Kikitoudur 04'16"51 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
RYO 04'19"80 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
咩瓜 04'21"65 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
Mugime 04'22"10 bow PS4 TA Rules
田中 04'28"26 gunlance PS4 Freestyle
PongPong LEE 04'28"61 light-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
のら (Nora) 04'30"75 switch-axe PS4 TA Rules
ボム (Bomb) 04'33"00 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
風丸 (Kazemaru) 04'33"48 sword-and-shield PS4 Freestyle
Pochi 04'34"90 insect-glaive PS4 Freestyle
ryoko 04'35"78 switch-axe PS4 Freestyle
AngBata 11 04'38"45 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
TBT 04'38"98 light-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
RYO 04'39"10 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
tatsuffy 04'42"00 heavy-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
Hayato 04'42"48 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
luna 04'42"76 light-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
Farah 04'47"28 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
Photowork 04'48"50 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
Momo 04'51"03 bow PS4 Freestyle
yuuki 04'52"30 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
ハルケン (Haruken) 04'54"76 lance PS4 TA Rules
ちぇりお (Chierio) 04'54"86 sword-and-shield PS4 Freestyle
もっぽろん (Mopporon) 04'55"83 hunting-horn PS4 Freestyle
YAMA 04'58"86 gunlance PS4 Freestyle
テトラ (Tetora) 04'58"98 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
焗香蔬蟹煲 04'59"36 insect-glaive PS4 Freestyle
yuuki 04'59"48 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
ぬー (Nu) 05'01"96 hammer PS4 TA Rules
香子兰 (Vanilla) 05'07"33 dual-blades PS4 TA Rules
えり (Eri) 05'09"83 charge-blade PS4 TA Rules
hitoshi 05'11"66 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
ぶー 05'13"88 bow PS4 TA Rules
RYO 05'22"65 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
TiiEleven 05'25"58 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
Patrick_Oscar 05'25"99 insect-glaive PS4 Freestyle
Mzly 05'26"06 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
ちぇりお (Chierio) 05'27"20 sword-and-shield PS4 Freestyle
のら (Nora) 05'28"05 switch-axe PS4 Freestyle
Preydator 05'32"25 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
yuuki 05'35"66 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
luna 05'37"25 light-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
望遠鏡 (VulpesMH) 05'40"40 sword-and-shield PS4 Freestyle
ハルケン (Haruken) 05'40"96 lance PS4 TA Rules
hitoshi 05'44"91 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
PongPong LEE 05'48"99 light-bowgun PS4 Freestyle
PongPong LEE 05'49"05 light-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
ぜん (Zen) 05'49"56 sword-and-shield PS4 TA Rules
咩瓜 05'50"63 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
hitoshi 05'53"18 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
ばろ (Baro) 05'54"88 insect-glaive PS4 TA Rules
Attacker 05'55"70 dual-blades PS4 TA Rules
めがーぬ (Meganu) 05'58"03 hunting-horn PS4 TA Rules
Photowork 05'58"90 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
yuuki 06'05"26 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
고르고서틴 06'07"50 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
もっぽろん (Mopporon) 06'08"26 hunting-horn PS4 TA Rules
ちぇりお (Chierio) 06'22"03 sword-and-shield PS4 Freestyle
もっぽろん (Mopporon) 06'22"86 hunting-horn PS4 TA Rules
Photowork 06'25"43 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
yuuki 06'27"63 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
Del-Pi 06'29"56 sword-and-shield PS4 Freestyle
hitoshi 06'31"91 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
Rayan4 06'31"96 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
yuuki 06'32"58 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
牛乳 06'35"65 sword-and-shield PS4 TA Rules
06'39"20 lance PS4 TA Rules
Preydator 06'40"83 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
のら (Nora) 06'44"08 switch-axe PS4 Freestyle
えり (Eri) 06'48"03 charge-blade PS4 TA Rules
のら (Nora) 06'48"36 switch-axe PS4 TA Rules
折紙正宗 (Origami Masamune) 06'55"30 switch-axe PS4 Freestyle
はまピー 06'56"03 hunting-horn PS4 TA Rules
pepo 07'03"85 hammer PS4 Freestyle
TiiEleven 07'07"11 charge-blade PS4 Freestyle
Rayan4 07'13"26 long-sword PS4 TA Rules
Rolltorest 07'14"50 light-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
劍鬼恋歌 07'15"90 dual-blades PS4 TA Rules
yuuki 07'16"21 long-sword PS4 Freestyle
creameedream 07'21"01 sword-and-shield PS4 TA Rules
牛乳 07'28"68 sword-and-shield PS4 TA Rules
creameedream 07'37"85 sword-and-shield PS4 TA Rules
Del-Pi 07'39"96 sword-and-shield PS4 Freestyle
テトラ (Tetora) 07'40"28 great-sword PS4 Freestyle
がるど丸 (Garudomaru) 07'44"71 light-bowgun PS4 TA Rules
蜂蜜ゆうた (Yuuta) 07'44"80 lance PS4 Freestyle
ぐっちゃま (Guccyama) 08'33"28 hunting-horn PS4 Freestyle
Mugime 08'38"86 great-sword PS4 TA Rules
めがーぬ (Meganu) 08'48"28 hunting-horn PS4 Freestyle
はまピー 09'33"61 hunting-horn PS4 TA Rules
めがーぬ (Meganu) 09'35"03 hunting-horn PS4 Freestyle