Brute Tigrex


Runner Time Weapon Platform Quest Ruleset
チョコレート 01'40"03 heavy-bowgun PS4 A Roar that Splinters the Sky Freestyle
Randel Daora 01'55"21 heavy-bowgun PS4 Special Arena: MR Brute Tigrex Freestyle
愛されてドドリア (Aisaretedodoria) 02'03"85 heavy-bowgun PS4 Special Arena: MR Brute Tigrex Freestyle
愛されてドドリア (Aisaretedodoria) 02'23"16 heavy-bowgun PS4 Special Arena: MR Brute Tigrex Freestyle
NoeL 02'37"71 heavy-bowgun PS4 Special Arena: MR Brute Tigrex Freestyle
Samson 03'49"33 heavy-bowgun PS4 A Roar that Splinters the Sky Freestyle
LordViettner 04'31"51 heavy-bowgun PS4 Special Arena: MR Brute Tigrex Freestyle